Nicotinic Acid and Derivatives
- Name
- Nicotinic Acid and Derivatives
- Accession Number
- DBCAT002431
- Description
Not Available
- ATC Classification
- Drugs
Drug Drug Description Niacin A B vitamin used to treat hypertriglyceridemia and pellagra. Inositol nicotinate A vasodilator and source of niacin found in dietary supplements. Acipimox A niacin derivative used in Fredrickson type IIb and type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. Nicofuranose Not Annotated Niceritrol Not Annotated Aluminium nicotinate Not Annotated Ciclonicate Not Annotated Nicotinyl alcohol A direct-acting peripheral vasodilator that causes flushing and may decrease blood pressure. It is used in vasospasm and threatened gangrene. [PubChem] - Drugs & Drug Targets