Gonadotropins and Antigonadotropins

Gonadotropins and Antigonadotropins
Accession Number

Not Available

DrugDrug Description
GoserelinA synthetic analog of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone used to treat breast cancer and prostate cancer by reducing secretion of gonadotropins from the pituitary.
MenotropinsA purified combination of human luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone used to treat female infertility.
Lutropin alfaA form of recombinant human luteinizing hormone used to treat female infertility due to hypothalamic or pituitary insufficiency, or due to profound luteinizing hormone deficiency.
FollitropinA form of recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone used to stimulate follicle development in women with primary ovarian hypogonadism and in men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
UrofollitropinA form of purified human follicle stimulating hormone used to treat infertility in females by inducing follicle development in women without primary ovarian failure.
Choriogonadotropin alfaA recombinant form of human chorionic gonadotropin used to treat female infertility by inducing ovulation.
GonadorelinA synthetic GnRH used to test the function of gonadotropes and the pituitary.
NafarelinA gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist used to treat central precocious puberty.
Chorionic Gonadotropin (Human)A naturally-occurring hormone produced during human placenta used for the treatment of prepubertal cryptorchidism and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in selected males, and induction of pregnancy in selected infertile women.
Drugs & Drug Targets
GoserelinLutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptortarget
GoserelinGonadotropin-releasing hormone receptortarget
MenotropinsFollicle-stimulating hormone receptortarget
MenotropinsLutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptortarget
Lutropin alfaLutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptortarget
FollitropinFollicle-stimulating hormone receptortarget
UrofollitropinFollicle-stimulating hormone receptortarget
Choriogonadotropin alfaFollicle-stimulating hormone receptortarget
Choriogonadotropin alfaLutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptortarget
GonadorelinGonadotropin-releasing hormone receptortarget
GonadorelinPutative gonadotropin-releasing hormone II receptortarget
NafarelinGonadotropin-releasing hormone receptortarget
NafarelinPutative gonadotropin-releasing hormone II receptortarget
Chorionic Gonadotropin (Human)Lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptortarget