Also known as: Cuff Rotator Syndrome / Rotator Cuff Tears of the Shoulder / Rotator Cuff Tear (RCR) / Rotator Cuff, Syndrome / Rotator Cuff Syndrome / Rotator Cuff Tear / Rotator cuff syndrome NOS (disorder) / (Rotator cuff syndrome NOS) or (painful arc syndrome) or (subacromial bursitis) / Rotator cuff syndrome (disorder) / Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified (disorder) / (Rotator cuff syndrome unspecified) or (supraspinatus syndrome) / Impingement syndrome / (Shoulder: [syndrome (& [painful arc][rotator cuff])][bicipital tendinit][bursitis][frozen][pericapsulit][adhes capsulit]) or (tendinitis: [subscapular][supraspinat][infraspinat][bicep long head]) / Rupture of rotator cuff of shoulder (disorder)